Debtors Manager - Customer Testimonials

Simon Miller, Managing Director - Perfect Pools
We have been using Debtors Manager now for almost 2 years.

I can honestly say that the software has improved our cash flow almost overnight. I could not manage my debtors on my own and relying on staff was always a hit and miss, however since we implemented Debtors Manager not only can I manage, measure and control my staff but also our customers. Once you remind a customer what they said the last time you spoke (date and time are automatically recorded) they quickly realise that you are on the ball and organised. If you get to the stage where you hand them over to debt collectors, everything is neat and organized. And Debtors Manager records are legal documents that may be used as evidence against a debtor.

Perfect Pools uses Sage Pastel Debtors Manager every single day.
Sandy Naidu, Financial Manager - QD Cellular (Pty) Ltd
We are very happy with Debtors Manager and it has made an amazing change to our collection process. The controllers are able to keep track of Stale PTP's, call backs and follow ups from the contact information entered. The system has really assisted us in making our Debt collection process very efficient.
Cheryl Savell, Financial Manager - Rob Wyly Trading
We are all really happy with Debtors Manager. It has really worked well for our company and improved our cash flows! Since implementing Debtors Manager, our debtors have seen we are serious about collections – and they have stopped giving us the run-around. Thanks to Debtors Manager, we get no more excuses – we just get paid!
Rene Clotz, Clotz Consulting Engineers cc

I am delighted with Debtors Manager. It’s a powerful program, and it’s very user friendly! It’s quick to get information (it’s all at my fingertips) and follow up on outstanding invoices. It’s been a good investment and a real timesaver for me. Thanks a ton for the product and keep up the great work!

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